Instructions for "Reject or Accept?": When you notice discomfort, either physical or mental:
For example, if I notice at 3pm today that I am feeling a bit sad, some typical reactions might be:
If we can accept this, we change our relationship to discomfort when it arises. It will no longer hold the same fear, struggle, or guilt for us. When we struggle against discomfort, we give it even more energy, raising it's profile in our lives, and exaggerating it's effect. When we switch the struggle for acceptance, we can allow discomfort to be, and then pass, as all things inevitably do. "Our attempts to find lasting pleasure, lasting security, are at odds with the fact that we’re part of a dynamic system in which everything and everyone is in process." - Pema Chodron
Instructions for "Just One Breath": When you wake up each morning this week, set an intention (not an alarm) to:
You can "set an intention" by simply telling yourself that you are going to do something, for example - "Today I will remember to stop and take a mindful breath every hour, today I will remember to take a mindful breath every hour....(repeat several times with concentration and gentle determination). Taking one mindful breath can help to stabilise and ground you, allowing you to feel more in control. "Spending too much time planning, problem-solving, daydreaming, or thinking negative or random thoughts can be draining. It can also make you more likely to experience stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. Practicing mindfulness exercises, on the other hand, can help you direct your attention away from this kind of thinking and engage with the world around you." - Mayo Clinic Staff Instructions for "Nighty Night, Sleep Tight":
This exercise could not be more simple, or rewarding. So often I lie down at night and my head comes alive reviewing the day, analysing every little thing I've done, berating myself for the things I haven't done, and/or worrying about the things I have to do tomorrow. None of these are helpful! What IS helpful, is getting a good night's sleep so I can wake refreshed for a new day. This exercise calms me right down, and quiets my mind so I can drift off peacefully. The key is remembering to do it! What I find helpful is to write a note and put it on my pillow, so I see it when I pull the covers back. :) Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. This week's Weekly Minute is a follow-on from last week's. Last week, we brought as much attention as we could to the myriad of sensations involved in the the daily task of brushing our teeth. This week, we will go a little further and attempt to bring a little joy to an everyday chore. Instructions for "A Little Joy Everyday":
The purpose of this exercise is not to magically make you love doing chores you previously dreaded, but to help you form a new relationship with them. This exercise can help you let go of negative connotations associated with a specific task, allowing you to open up to the possibility of a new experience, and perhaps allow a little joy to sneak in! :) "There are two ways to live your life: |
The Weekly Minute is a blog I write each week with the aim of providing proven tools to help promote positive mental health.
The collection of short, practical mindfulness and therapy tools for self-reflection and self-improvement, can equip people to take their mental well-being into their own hands, and improve their quality of life. The Weekly Minute is posted here every Monday, or you can sign up to get it delivered to your inbox via the link below. Follow me on social media (see below) to make sure you don't miss one! Get the Weekly Minute delivered straight to your inbox, or follow it on social media!
March 2021
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