Instructions for "Come to Your Senses"
You have just taken a break from perceiving the world through your thoughts and pre-conceived notions, and opened yourself up to other ways of seeing. Our senses carry a multitude of information to us all the time, but we are often so busy with our thoughts that we miss it. Thoughts tend to repeat what you already know, to open up to new possibilities and ideas, we need to use our senses. “Lose your mind and come to your senses.” - Frederick Perls
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Instructions for "Attention!"
Your attention is one of the most valuable commodities that you own—we know that advertisers pay good money to attract some of it! Where you put your attention can make the difference between a pleasant, or an unpleasant day. If you focus your attention on regretting the past, or worrying about the future, you are stealing from your own happiness bank. If you stay focused in the present, you will be making a deposit. Save your attention for what benefits you, and don't squander it . “Fate is shaped half by expectation, half by inattention.” Instructions for "This Mood Shall Pass..."
Moods are like the weather, you can feel like July sunshine, or January rain. The good news is, just like the rain clouds, moods pass. So if you're feeling like the January rain, remember that behind the cloud the blue sky is there, waiting to be seen again. -If you've been under a cloud for a long period of time, and you can't seem to get out from under it, contact me to see how we can shift it together. "All unpleasant feelings pass of their own accord if we do not force them." - Teasdale, Williams, & Segal. Instructions for "Be Kind! ... To Yourself. :)"
Your thoughts are you speaking to yourself, so choose your words carefully. Nothing good will come of kicking someone when they are down, so why would you do it to yourself? Be mindful of your thoughts, because they become your story—make it a good one! The self-narratives we construct soon get set in concrete as reference points for the future—regardless of how far they are from representing the truth of the here and now. - M Williams, J Teasdale, Z Segal & J Kabat-Zinn. Instructions for "The One-Minute Habit" If you've set a New Years Resolution, you may already be sneakily wondering if you'll manage to make it to the end of January with success. -
When you hear yourself thinking doubting thoughts, recognise that they're probably just running on old, bad information. They're remembering last year when you didn't quite stick the exercise program, or the guitar lessons, just because it happened before, doesn't mean it will happen again. One of the hardest parts of starting anything new is making it a habit. Habits can be as hard to make as they are to break. Start small, make sure you do the minute every day, and allow yourself to feel the success of this. Then you'll have formed a habit to build on! "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do." - Carl Jung |
The Weekly Minute is a blog I write each week with the aim of providing proven tools to help promote positive mental health.
The collection of short, practical mindfulness and therapy tools for self-reflection and self-improvement, can equip people to take their mental well-being into their own hands, and improve their quality of life. The Weekly Minute is posted here every Monday, or you can sign up to get it delivered to your inbox via the link below. Follow me on social media (see below) to make sure you don't miss one! Get the Weekly Minute delivered straight to your inbox, or follow it on social media!
March 2021
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